
Languages: French, English, Python, German, Java, R, bash, HTML/CSS/JS, Swift, SQL, MATLAB.

Technologies: PyTorch, Tensorflow, OpenStack, Docker, Terraform, ansible, Processing, Hyperledger, SpringBoot, Vaadin.

Platforms: GNU/UN*X, macOS, OpenStack, slurm.

Graphics: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom, Final Cut Pro X, .

Environments and norms: ISO 9001, ISO 27k, GDPR, lab confinement up to P3.


2016 - 2018: M.Sc., Bioinformatics: Multi-disciplinary program that provides transversal knowledge in the field of computational biology. Topics: High throughput data processing, digital imaging, machine learning, data base management, system biology, structural biology…

2015 - 2018: Engineering degree, Biotechnology and data science: Trinational syllabus in Strasbourg (France), Freiburg (Germany), and Basel (Switzerland). Topics: Life science, biotechnology, data science, machine learning, biophysics, statistics, mathematics, cell/molecular biology…
– Students representative at the university board
– Chief communication officer at the student organization NGB
– Member of the media club, video maker for student events

2013 - 2015: Preparatory class for French superior schools: Highly selective syllabus to prepare and select students before accessing French superior schools. Topics: Life science, mathematics, algorithmic (python), physics, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology…
– Students representative
– Member of the organization team for the Christmas gala

Research Experience

2020 - NOW: DigiMed Bayern: DigiMed Bayern’s goal is to guide Bavaria with a lighthouse project into the medicine of the future. It combines comprehensive datasets of patients diagnosed with atherosclerotic diseases and integrates multi-dimensional -omic data. The aim is to reach P4 medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized, participatory) as it is one of the world’s most promising developments for improved, holistic and efficient healthcare. I am developing an ethically and legally compliant, highly secure and sustainable biomedical workbench that is the corner stone of the project (link).

2020: Pint of Science: Event manager - It started as a project to show Alzheimer’s patients how medical research is conducted in labs back in 2012. Today, it is an international festival that brings people from all horizons in pubs to sip science together. I’ll be participating in the organization of the event in Nancy (link).

2019 - 2020: DUNE/éole: Research engineer - Is a digital project lead by 6 French Universities. I have been designing and interfacing cloud based digital vaults, leveraging blockchain technology to secure and certify GDPR compliant data. Being close to the European group of work for blockchain and education means that this advances can be ported at the European scale (link).

2018: MS-DECODER: Master student - Is a high throughput sequencing software I have been developing. Multiple Universities collaborate for the project and thus I had the chance to work with a broad spectrum of programmers, mathematicians, physicists and chemists. I also worked with ECE Illinois students to develop a novel statistical approach for sequence validation. This will be part of a new publication and a patent.

2017: IMMODGEL: Undergraduate student - Is a european project that revolutionizes the approach we have of materials applied to health by developing active, functional, and intelligent bio materials. I have been working with the team that transformed the larynx surgery by developing and implanting with success the first artificial larynx after total laryngectomy. I have been working as a data scientist for digital imaging, data analysis, computational biology as well as project management (link).

2015 - 2016: NGB & YEBN: Chief communication - Part of the New Generation of Biotechnologists and more broadly the Youth European Biotechnology Network I participated in the organization of national and european scope projects: Forum, conferences, student orientation…

Honours & Awards

2017: Roche Continents (Salzburg): Top 100 talented students of Europe.

2015: Prepa class challenge (Paris): 2nd national rank in technology & biology.

2013: Concours général des lycées (Nancy): Top 5 students of France in biotechnology.

Published Contributions

  1. Launay, K., Amalian, J.-A., Laurent, E., Oswald, L., Ouahabi, A.A., Burel, A., Dufour, F., Carapito, C., Clément, J.-L., Lutz, J.-F., et al. (2020). Precise alkoxyamine-design enables automated tandem mass spectrometry sequencing of digital poly(phosphodiester)s. Angewandte Chemie International Edition.

  2. Laurent, E., Amalian, J.-A., Parmentier, M., Oswald, L., Al Ouahabi, A., Dufour, F., Launay, K., Clément, J.-L., Gigmes, D., Delsuc, M.-A., et al. (2020). High-Capacity Digital Polymers: Storing Images in Single Molecules. Macromolecules.

  3. Knopf-Marques, H., Barthes, J., Lachaal, S., Mutschler, A., Muller, C., Dufour, F., Rabineau, M., Courtial, E.-J., Bystroňová, J., Marquette, C., et al. (2019). Multifunctional polymeric implant coatings based on gelatin, hyaluronic acid derivative and chain length-controlled poly(arginine). Materials Science and Engineering: C 104, 109898.

  4. Cavallo, G., Poyer, S., Amalian, J.-A., Dufour, F., Burel, A., Carapito, C., Charles, L., and Lutz, J.-F. (2018). Cleavable binary dyads: simplifying data extraction and increasing storage density in digital polymers. Angewandte Chemie.

You can also find me on ORCID and Google Scholar.


2023: Towards the Medicine of the Future in Bavaria and Germany, One Heartbeat at the Time With Confidential Computing (Online): This session at OC3 2023 presented by Florent Dufour is about the DigiMed Bayern project, which is focused on finding safe ways to collaborate on sensitive multi-omic medical data, with the common goal to advance research on heart disease (link).

2020: Pint of Science - Petit guide pratique pour hacker les gouvernements et les banques (agents du FBI non admis à la conférence) (Nancy): On a retrouvé des traces d’intrusions dans nos comptes Facebooks, dans nos smartphones, dans nos transactions banquaires et même du cheval dans nos lasagnes?! Quel est le rapport et qu’est-ce qui ne tourne pas rond? On va apprendre ce soir de façon pratique comment hacker le système et reprendre le contrôle de nos vies. Au programme: minage de cryptomonnaies, randonnée aux confins du darkweb, et recettes de cuisine végan (link, cancelled covid-19).

2019: Digital day, Blockchain, education, and ecological concerns (Université de Lorraine, Nancy): Getting to know the blockchain from zero to hero.

2018: Master thesis (Strasbourg): Developing high throughput sequencing algorithms for DNA inspired digital polymers.


2020 → now: Introduction to Container Technology & Application to AI (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich): AI Systems, GPU Computing, Docker, enroot, CNN, Tensorflow, MLOps, AI for lifescience… (link).

2022 → now: History of High Performance Computing and Intelligent Machines (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich): History of Computing, Parallel Computing, SLURM, whisper.cpp… (link).

2022 → 2023: Nvidia AI for Science Bootcamp (Open Hackathons): Bootcamp coorganised by EuroCC and supercomputing centres in Germany and Austria dedicated to AI and Deep Learning. Hands-on carried out on the Nvidia Curiosity Cluster (link, code).

2021 → 2022: Advanced Cloud Computing for medical researchers (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Munich): Theory and practice on building a virtual infrastructure for reproducible and AI powered workflows in the cloud while remaining safe, secure, and private.

2018: Facilitator in bioethics (Strasbourg): Supervising think tanks and workshops related to ethics and engineering. i.e., Artificial intelligence and new concerns, Data acquisition and safeguarding, Open Access and the current model of scientific publishing, Individual right to death…

2018: Tutoring (Strasbourg): Preparing students for bachelor graduation (principally mathematics, statistics, and physics)

2015 → 2018: Scientific workshops (Around France): During summer camps with teenagers: Raft crafting, volcano modelling, skyrocket experimentation, molecular gastronomy…

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